246 lines
6.6 KiB
246 lines
6.6 KiB
* Jilo web logs observer
* Description: A web interface to Jilo (JItsi Logs Observer), written in PHP
* Author: Yasen Pramatarov
* License: GPLv2
* Project URL: https://lindeas.com/jilo
* Year: 2024-2025
* Version: 0.3
// we start output buffering and.
// flush it later only when there is no redirect
// Apply security headers
require_once '../app/includes/security_headers_middleware.php';
// sanitize all input vars that may end up in URLs or forms
require '../app/includes/sanitize.php';
// Initialize security middleware
require_once '../app/includes/csrf_middleware.php';
require_once '../app/helpers/security.php';
$security = SecurityHelper::getInstance();
// Verify CSRF token for POST requests
// Initialize feedback message system
require_once '../app/classes/feedback.php';
$system_messages = [];
require '../app/includes/errors.php';
// error reporting, comment out in production
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
// list of available pages
// edit accordingly, add 'pages/PAGE.php'
$allowed_urls = [
// cnfig file
// possible locations, in order of preference
$config_file_locations = [
__DIR__ . '/../app/config/jilo-web.conf.php',
__DIR__ . '/../jilo-web.conf.php',
$config_file = null;
// try to find the config file
foreach ($config_file_locations as $location) {
if (file_exists($location)) {
$config_file = $location;
// if found, use it
if ($config_file) {
$localConfigPath = str_replace(__DIR__ . '/..', '', $config_file);
$config = require $config_file;
} else {
die('Config file not found');
$app_root = $config['folder'];
// check if logged in
if (isset($_COOKIE['username'])) {
if ( !isset($_SESSION['username']) ) {
$_SESSION['username'] = $_COOKIE['username'];
$currentUser = htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['username']);
// redirect to login
if ( !isset($_COOKIE['username']) && ($page !== 'login' && $page !== 'register') ) {
header('Location: ' . htmlspecialchars($app_root) . '?page=login');
// connect to db of Jilo Web
require '../app/classes/database.php';
require '../app/includes/database.php';
try {
$response = connectDB($config);
if (!$response['db']) {
throw new Exception('Could not connect to database: ' . $response['error']);
$dbWeb = $response['db'];
} catch (Exception $e) {
Feedback::flash('ERROR', 'DEFAULT', getError('Error connecting to the database.', $e->getMessage()));
include '../app/templates/page-header.php';
include '../app/helpers/feedback.php';
include '../app/templates/page-footer.php';
// start logging
require '../app/classes/log.php';
include '../app/helpers/logs.php';
$logObject = new Log($dbWeb);
$user_IP = getUserIP();
// init rate limiter
require '../app/classes/ratelimiter.php';
// get platforms details
require '../app/classes/platform.php';
$platformObject = new Platform($dbWeb);
$platformsAll = $platformObject->getPlatformDetails();
// by default we connect ot the first configured platform
if ($platform_id == '') {
$platform_id = $platformsAll[0]['id'];
$platformDetails = $platformObject->getPlatformDetails($platform_id);
// init user functions
require '../app/classes/user.php';
include '../app/helpers/profile.php';
$userObject = new User($dbWeb);
// logout is a special case, as we can't use session vars for notices
if ($page == 'logout') {
// get user info before destroying session
$user_id = $userObject->getUserId($currentUser)[0]['id'];
// clean up session
// start new session for the login page
setcookie('username', "", time() - 100, $config['folder'], $config['domain'], isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']), true);
// Log successful logout
$logObject->insertLog($user_id, "Logout: User \"$currentUser\" logged out. IP: $user_IP", 'user');
// Set success message
Feedback::flash('LOGIN', 'LOGOUT_SUCCESS');
include '../app/templates/page-header.php';
include '../app/templates/page-menu.php';
include '../app/pages/login.php';
include '../app/templates/page-footer.php';
} else {
// if user is logged in, we need user details and rights
if (isset($currentUser)) {
// If by error a logged in user requests the login page
if ($page === 'login') {
header('Location: ' . htmlspecialchars($app_root));
$user_id = $userObject->getUserId($currentUser)[0]['id'];
$userDetails = $userObject->getUserDetails($user_id);
$userRights = $userObject->getUserRights($user_id);
$userTimezone = isset($userDetails[0]['timezone']) ? $userDetails[0]['timezone'] : 'UTC'; // Default to UTC if no timezone is set
// check if the Jilo Server is running
require '../app/classes/server.php';
$serverObject = new Server($dbWeb);
$server_host = '';
$server_port = '8080';
$server_endpoint = '/health';
$server_status = $serverObject->getServerStatus($server_host, $server_port, $server_endpoint);
if (!$server_status) {
Feedback::flash('ERROR', 'DEFAULT', 'The Jilo Server is not running. Some data may be old and incorrect.', false, true);
// List of pages that don't require authentication
$public_pages = ['login', 'register'];
// Check if the requested page requires authentication
if (!in_array($page, $public_pages)) {
require_once '../app/includes/session_middleware.php';
// page building
include '../app/templates/page-header.php';
include '../app/templates/page-menu.php';
if (isset($currentUser)) {
include '../app/templates/page-sidebar.php';
if (in_array($page, $allowed_urls)) {
// all normal pages
include "../app/pages/{$page}.php";
} else {
// the page is not in allowed urls, loading "not found" page
include '../app/templates/error-notfound.php';
include '../app/templates/page-footer.php';
// flush the output buffer and show the page
// clear errors and notices before next page just in case