#!/usr/bin/env bash ### # JItsi Log Observer # # Bash script for Jitsi Meet components (Videobridge, Jicofo, etc.) logs parsing ### ### Default configuration # default log files and processes DEFAULT_JVB_LOGFILE="/var/log/jitsi/jvb.log" DEFAULT_JVB_PROCESS="videobridge" DEFAULT_JICOFO_LOGFILE="/var/log/jitsi/jicofo.log" DEFAULT_JICOFO_PROCESS="jicofo" # Default SQLite database file DEFAULT_DB="./jilo.db" # Configuration file CONFIG_FILE="./jilo.conf" # Load configurations from the config file if it exists if [[ -f "$CONFIG_FILE" ]]; then source "$CONFIG_FILE" fi # use default values if not overriden by config file JVB_LOGFILE=${JVB_LOGFILE:-$DEFAULT_JVB_LOGFILE} JVB_PROCESS=${JVB_PROCESS:-$DEFAULT_JVB_PROCESS} JICOFO_LOGFILE=${JICOFO_LOGFILE:-$DEFAULT_JICOFO_LOGFILE} JICOFO_PROCESS=${JICOFO_PROCESS:-$DEFAULT_JICOFO_PROCESS} DB=${DB:-$DEFAULT_DB} ### # SQLite queries db_get_state_template="SELECT filename, filetime, filesize, position, inode FROM state WHERE jitsi_component = '%s';" db_set_state_template="UPDATE state SET time=datetime('now'), filename='%s', filetime='%s', filesize='%s', position='%s', inode='%s' WHERE jitsi_component = '%s';" db_insert_template="INSERT INTO conferences (jitsi_component, conference_name, conference_id, start, end) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s');" db_drop=" DROP TABLE IF EXISTS conferences; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS state;" db_create="CREATE TABLE conferences ( id INTEGER PRIMARY_KEY, jitsi_component TEXT, conference_name TEXT, conference_id TEXT, start TEXT, end TEXT ); CREATE TABLE state ( id INTEGER PRIMARY_KEY, jitsi_component TEXT, time TEXT, filename TEXT, filetime INTEGER, filesize INTEGER, position INTEGER CHECK(typeof(position)='integer'), inode INTEGER );" db_init=" INSERT OR REPLACE INTO state (id, jitsi_component, time, filename, filetime, filesize, position, inode) VALUES (1, 'JVB', '1970-01-01 00:00:00.000', '', 0, 0, 0, 0); INSERT OR REPLACE INTO state (id, jitsi_component, time, filename, filetime, filesize, position, inode) VALUES (1, 'JICOFO', '1970-01-01 00:00:00.000', '', 0, 0, 0, 0);" db_flush=" DELETE FROM conferences; DELETE FROM state;" help="Usage:\n\t$0 [OPTION]\nOptions:\n\t--create-db|-d - create the database\n\t--flush|-f - flush the tables\n\t--check|-c - check for new data\n\t--parse|-p [-v] - parse the logs [verbosely]" ### # First we check for requirements check_requirements() { # required programs, anything non-bash - edit as needed # deb packages - sqlite3, coreutils(stat,dd) local required_programs=("sqlite3" "stat" "dd") local requirements_missing='' for program in "${required_programs[@]}"; do if ! command -v "$program" &> /dev/null; then requirements_missing+="$program, " fi done if [[ "$requirements_missing" != '' ]]; then requirements_missing=${requirements_missing::-2} echo "Error: $requirements_missing - not found. Please install to proceed." fi } check_requirements ### # DB functions # Get the last processed state from the database get_state() { db_get_state=$(printf "$db_get_state_template" "$1") sqlite3 "$DB" "$db_get_state" } # Update the state database set_state() { local filename=$1 local filetime=$2 local filesize=$3 local position=${4:-0} local inode=$5 local jitsi_component=$6 db_set_state=$(printf "$db_set_state_template" "$filename" "$filetime" "$filesize" "$position" "$inode" "$jitsi_component") sqlite3 "$DB" "$db_set_state" } ### # Jitsi Videobridge parsing funstion jvb_log_parse() { local file=$1 local start_pos=$2 new_last_pos="$start_pos" # Local assoc array for conference events tracking declare -A start_times # Get size and position for progress tracking local total_size=$(stat -c '%s' "$file") local processed_lines=0 local procesed_bytes=0 # We open the file and start reading from $start_pos bytes exec 3<"$file" while IFS= read -r line; do # save new position (previous plus bytes in current line plus 1 for the new line) new_last_pos=$((new_last_pos + ${#line} + 1)) # increment progress stats processed_lines=$((processed_lines + 1)) processed_bytes=$((processed_bytes + ${#line} + 1)) # show progress if in verbose mode if [[ "$verbose" == true ]]; then local percent=$((100 * processed_bytes / total_size)) echo -ne "Processing: $percent% ($processed_lines lines, $processed_bytes bytes) \r" fi case $jitsi_component in JVB) # locate conference starting event if [[ "$line" =~ ([0-9-]+\ [0-9:.]+)\ [A-Z]+:.*\ Videobridge\.createConference#[0-9]+:\ create_conf,\ id=([a-zA-Z0-9]+) ]]; then timestamp="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" conferenceId="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" start_times["$conferenceId"]="$timestamp" # locate the corresponding conference ending event elif [[ "$line" =~ ([0-9-]+\ [0-9:.]+)\ [A-Z]+:.*\[confId=([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\ .*conf_name=([^ ]+)@.*\]\ Conference\.expire ]]; then end_time="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" conferenceId="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" conferenceName="${BASH_REMATCH[3]}" start_time="${start_times["$conferenceId"]}" if [[ -n "$start_time" ]]; then db_insert=$(printf "$db_insert_template" "$jitsi_component" "$conferenceName" "$conferenceId" "$start_time" "$end_time") sqlite3 "$DB" "$db_insert" unset start_times["$conferenceId"] fi fi ;; JICOFO) # locate conference starting event if [[ "$line" =~ ([0-9-]+\ [0-9:.]+)\ [A-Z]+:.*\[room=([^ ]+)@.*\]\ JitsiMeetConferenceImpl\.joinTheRoom ]]; then timestamp="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" conferenceName="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" start_times["$conferenceName"]="$timestamp" # locate the corresponding conference ending event elif [[ "$line" =~ ([0-9-]+\ [0-9:.]+)\ [A-Z]+:.*\[room=([^ ]+)@.*\ meeting_id=([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\]\ JitsiMeetConferenceImpl\.stop ]]; then end_time="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" conferenceName="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" conferenceId="${BASH_REMATCH[3]}" start_time="${start_times["$conferenceName"]}" if [[ -n "$start_time" ]]; then db_insert=$(printf "$db_insert_template" "$jitsi_component" "$conferenceName" "$conferenceId" "$start_time" "$end_time") sqlite3 "$DB" "$db_insert" unset start_times["$conferenceName"] fi fi ;; esac # We don't use pipe, but process substitution '<(dd...)' to avoid running while loop in subshell and lose the 'new_last_pos' value done < <(dd bs=1 skip="$start_pos" <&3 2>/dev/null) # Close the file descriptor exec 3<&- } ### # Jicofo parsing funstion jicofo_log_parse() { local file=$1 local start_pos=$2 new_last_pos="$start_pos" # Local assoc array for conference events tracking declare -A start_times # Get size and position for progress tracking local total_size=$(stat -c '%s' "$file") local processed_lines=0 local procesed_bytes=0 # We open the file and start reading from $start_pos bytes exec 3<"$file" while IFS= read -r line; do # save new position (previous plus bytes in current line plus 1 for the new line) new_last_pos=$((new_last_pos + ${#line} + 1)) # increment progress stats processed_lines=$((processed_lines + 1)) processed_bytes=$((processed_bytes + ${#line} + 1)) # show progress if in verbose mode if [[ "$verbose" == true ]]; then local percent=$((100 * processed_bytes / total_size)) echo -ne "Processing: $percent% ($processed_lines lines, $processed_bytes bytes) \r" fi # locate conference starting event if [[ "$line" =~ ([0-9-]+\ [0-9:.]+)\ [A-Z]+:.*\[room=([^ ]+)@.*\]\ JitsiMeetConferenceImpl\.joinTheRoom ]]; then timestamp="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" conferenceName="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" start_times["$conferenceName"]="$timestamp" # locate the corresponding conference ending event elif [[ "$line" =~ ([0-9-]+\ [0-9:.]+)\ [A-Z]+:.*\[room=([^ ]+)@.*\ meeting_id=([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)\]\ JitsiMeetConferenceImpl\.stop ]]; then end_time="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" conferenceName="${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" conferenceId="${BASH_REMATCH[3]}" start_time="${start_times["$conferenceName"]}" if [[ -n "$start_time" ]]; then db_insert=$(printf "$db_insert_template" "$conferenceName" "$conferenceId" "$start_time" "$end_time") sqlite3 "$DB" "$db_insert" unset start_times["$conferenceName"] fi fi # We don't use pipe, but process substitution '<(dd...)' to avoid running while loop in subshell and lose the 'new_last_pos' value done < <(dd bs=1 skip="$start_pos" <&3 2>/dev/null) # Close the file descriptor exec 3<&- } ### FIXME - this is not currently used # check if and which process is running is_process_running() { pgrep -f "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 } # commandline options while getopts ":dfcpv" opt; do case $opt in d) cmd="--create-db" ;; f) cmd="--flush" ;; c) cmd="--check" ;; p) cmd="--parse" ;; v) verbose=true ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2 echo -e "$help" exit 1 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND -1)) case "$cmd" in --create-db) sqlite3 "$DB" "$db_drop" sqlite3 "$DB" "$db_create" sqlite3 "$DB" "$db_init" echo "Database created." exit 0 ;; --flush) sqlite3 "$DB" "$db_flush" sqlite3 "$DB" "$db_init" echo "Tables flushed." exit 0 ;; --check) # First check if database exists if [[ ! -f "$DB" ]]; then echo "Database not found. If it's a fresh install, please install the database first." exit 1 fi # compare the DB schema to the expected one current_db_schema=$(sqlite3 "$DB" .schema) if [[ "$current_db_schema" != "$db_create" ]]; then echo "The database doesn't match the expected schema. Please check it, and if needed, reinstall it." exit 1 fi # Check if log files exist jvb_found=false jicofo_found=false if [[ -f "$JVB_LOGFILE" ]]; then jvb_found=true jitsi_components+=('JVB') fi if [[ -f "$JICOFO_LOGFILE" ]]; then jicofo_found=true jitsi_components+=('JICOFO') fi # if no logs present, exit if [[ "$jvb_found" == false && "$jicofo_found" == false ]]; then echo "Neither \"$JVB_PROCESS\" ($JVB_LOGFILE) nor \"$JICOFO_PROCESS\" ($JICOFO_LOGFILE) log files are found." exit 1 else # otherwise loop through the found components for jitsi_component in "${jitsi_components[@]}"; do # Retrieve last log file and position inside it IFS='|' read -r last_file last_filetime last_size last_pos last_inode <<< $(get_state "$jitsi_component") # Initialize logfile vars LOGFILE=$(eval "echo \$${jitsi_component}_LOGFILE") ROTATED_LOGFILE="$LOGFILE.1" current_inode=$(stat -c '%i' "$LOGFILE") current_filetime=$(stat -c '%Y' "$LOGFILE") current_size=$(stat -c '%s' "$LOGFILE") if [[ "$last_file" == '' || "$last_inode" == 0 ]]; then echo "It looks like a fresh install. You can now run log parsing." exit 0 fi # report echo "Last file: $last_file" echo "Last filetime: $last_filetime" echo "Last inode: $last_inode" echo "Last size: $last_size" echo "Last processed position: $last_pos" echo "Current filetime: $current_filetime" echo "Current inode: $current_inode" echo "Current size: $current_size" if [[ "$last_inode" == "$current_inode" && "$current_size" -lt "$last_pos" && -f "$ROTATED_LOGFILE" ]]; then echo "Log file has rotated." else echo "Log file has not rotated." fi if [[ "$current_filetime" -ne "$last_filetime" || "$current_size" -ne "$last_size" ]]; then echo -e "New lines have been added to the log.\n" else echo -e "No new lines in the log.\n" fi done fi exit 0 ;; --parse) # Check if log files exist jvb_found=false jicofo_found=false if [[ -f "$JVB_LOGFILE" ]]; then jvb_found=true jitsi_components+=('JVB') fi if [[ -f "$JICOFO_LOGFILE" ]]; then jicofo_found=true jitsi_components+=('JICOFO') fi # if no logs present, exit if [[ "$jvb_found" == false && "$jicofo_found" == false ]]; then echo "Neither \"$JVB_PROCESS\" ($JVB_LOGFILE) nor \"$JICOFO_PROCESS\" ($JICOFO_LOGFILE) log files are found." exit 1 else # otherwise loop through the found components for jitsi_component in "${jitsi_components[@]}"; do # Retrieve last log file and position inside it IFS='|' read -r last_file last_filetime last_size last_pos last_inode <<< $(get_state "$jitsi_component") # Initialize logfile vars LOGFILE=$(eval "echo \$${jitsi_component}_LOGFILE") ROTATED_LOGFILE="$LOGFILE.1" last_pos=${last_pos:-0} current_inode=$(stat -c '%i' "$LOGFILE") current_filetime=$(stat -c '%Y' "$LOGFILE") current_size=$(stat -c '%s' "$LOGFILE") # Detect if the logfile was rotated (same inode, smaller size - copytruncate in logrotate) # parse the rotated log file if [[ "$last_inode" == "$current_inode" && "$current_size" -lt "$last_pos" && -f "$ROTATED_LOGFILE" ]]; then echo "Logfile was rotated. Processing the rotated log file: $ROTATED_LOGFILE" jvb_log_parse "$ROTATED_LOGFILE" 0 "$verbose" last_file="$ROTATED_LOGFILE" last_inode=$(stat -c '%i' "$ROTATED_LOGFILE") last_filetime=$(stat -c '%Y' "$ROTATED_LOGFILE") set_state "$last_file" "$last_filetime" "$last_size" "$last_pos" "$last_inode" "$jitsi_component" fi # parse the current log file echo "Processing the current log file: $LOGFILE" jvb_log_parse "$LOGFILE" "$last_pos" "$verbose" if [[ "$verbose" == true ]]; then echo -e "\nNew last position after parsing: $new_last_pos" fi # update the state in db set_state "$LOGFILE" "$current_filetime" "$current_size" "$new_last_pos" "$current_inode" "$jitsi_component" done fi echo "Data import finished." exit 0 ;; *) echo -e "$help" exit 1 ;; esac