db = $database->getConnection(); } // search/list specific conference ID public function conferenceById($conference_id, $from_time, $until_time, $offset=0, $items_per_page='') { // time period drill-down // FIXME make it similar to the bash version if (empty($from_time)) { $from_time = '0000-01-01'; } if (empty($until_time)) { $until_time = '9999-12-31'; } // this is needed for compatibility with the bash version, so we use '%s' placeholders $from_time = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($from_time)); $until_time = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($until_time)); // search for a conference by its ID for a time period (if given) $sql = " SELECT pe.time, c.conference_id, c.conference_name, c.conference_host, pe.loglevel, pe.event_type, p.endpoint_id AS participant_id, pe.event_param FROM conferences c LEFT JOIN conference_events ce ON c.conference_id = ce.conference_id LEFT JOIN participants p ON c.conference_id = p.conference_id LEFT JOIN participant_events pe ON p.endpoint_id = pe.participant_id WHERE c.conference_id = '%s' AND (pe.time >= '%s 00:00:00' AND pe.time <= '%s 23:59:59') UNION SELECT ce.time AS event_time, c.conference_id, c.conference_name, c.conference_host, ce.loglevel, ce.conference_event AS event_type, NULL AS participant_id, ce.conference_param AS event_param FROM conferences c LEFT JOIN conference_events ce ON c.conference_id = ce.conference_id WHERE c.conference_id = '%s' AND (event_time >= '%s 00:00:00' AND event_time <= '%s 23:59:59') ORDER BY pe.time"; if ($items_per_page) { $items_per_page = (int)$items_per_page; $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . $offset . ',' . $items_per_page; } $sql = sprintf($sql, $conference_id, $from_time, $until_time, $conference_id, $from_time, $until_time); $query = $this->db->prepare($sql); $query->execute(); return $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } // search/list specific conference name public function conferenceByName($conference_name, $from_time, $until_time, $offset=0, $items_per_page='') { // time period drill-down // FIXME make it similar to the bash version if (empty($from_time)) { $from_time = '0000-01-01'; } if (empty($until_time)) { $until_time = '9999-12-31'; } // this is needed for compatibility with the bash version, so we use '%s' placeholders $from_time = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($from_time)); $until_time = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($until_time)); // search for a conference by its name for a time period (if given) $sql = " SELECT pe.time, c.conference_id, c.conference_name, c.conference_host, pe.loglevel, pe.event_type, p.endpoint_id AS participant_id, pe.event_param FROM conferences c LEFT JOIN conference_events ce ON c.conference_id = ce.conference_id LEFT JOIN participants p ON c.conference_id = p.conference_id LEFT JOIN participant_events pe ON p.endpoint_id = pe.participant_id WHERE c.conference_name = '%s' AND (pe.time >= '%s 00:00:00' AND pe.time <= '%s 23:59:59') UNION SELECT ce.time AS event_time, c.conference_id, c.conference_name, c.conference_host, ce.loglevel, ce.conference_event AS event_type, NULL AS participant_id, ce.conference_param AS event_param FROM conferences c LEFT JOIN conference_events ce ON c.conference_id = ce.conference_id WHERE c.conference_name = '%s' AND (event_time >= '%s 00:00:00' AND event_time <= '%s 23:59:59') ORDER BY pe.time"; if ($items_per_page) { $items_per_page = (int)$items_per_page; $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . $offset . ',' . $items_per_page; } $sql = sprintf($sql, $conference_name, $from_time, $until_time, $conference_name, $from_time, $until_time); $query = $this->db->prepare($sql); $query->execute(); return $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } // list of all conferences public function conferencesAllFormatted($from_time, $until_time, $offset=0, $items_per_page='') { // time period drill-down // FIXME make it similar to the bash version if (empty($from_time)) { $from_time = '0000-01-01'; } if (empty($until_time)) { $until_time = '9999-12-31'; } // this is needed for compatibility with the bash version, so we use '%s' placeholders $from_time = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($from_time)); $until_time = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($until_time)); // list of conferences for time period (if given) // fields: component, duration, conference ID, conference name, number of participants, name count (the conf name is found), conference host $sql = " SELECT DISTINCT c.jitsi_component, (SELECT COALESCE ( (SELECT ce.time FROM conference_events ce WHERE ce.conference_id = c.conference_id AND ce.conference_event = 'conference created' ), (SELECT ce.time FROM conference_events ce WHERE ce.conference_id = c.conference_id AND ce.conference_event = 'bridge selected' ) ) ) AS start, (SELECT COALESCE ( (SELECT ce.time FROM conference_events ce WHERE ce.conference_id = c.conference_id AND (ce.conference_event = 'conference expired' OR ce.conference_event = 'conference stopped') ), (SELECT pe.time FROM participant_events pe WHERE pe.event_param = c.conference_id ORDER BY pe.time DESC LIMIT 1 ) ) ) AS end, c.conference_id, c.conference_name, (SELECT COUNT(pe.participant_id) FROM participant_events pe WHERE pe.event_type = 'participant joining' AND pe.event_param = c.conference_id) AS participants, name_counts.name_count, c.conference_host FROM conferences c JOIN ( SELECT conference_name, COUNT(*) AS name_count FROM conferences GROUP BY conference_name ) AS name_counts ON c.conference_name = name_counts.conference_name JOIN conference_events ce ON c.conference_id = ce.conference_id WHERE (ce.time >= '%s 00:00:00' AND ce.time <= '%s 23:59:59') ORDER BY c.id"; if ($items_per_page) { $items_per_page = (int)$items_per_page; $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . $offset . ',' . $items_per_page; } $sql = sprintf($sql, $from_time, $until_time); $query = $this->db->prepare($sql); $query->execute(); return $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } // number of conferences public function conferenceNumber($from_time, $until_time) { // time period drill-down // FIXME make it similar to the bash version if (empty($from_time)) { $from_time = '0000-01-01'; } if (empty($until_time)) { $until_time = '9999-12-31'; } // this is needed for compatibility with the bash version, so we use '%s' placeholders $from_time = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($from_time)); $until_time = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($until_time)); // number of conferences for time period (if given) // FIXME sometimes there is no start/end time, find a way around this $sql = " SELECT COUNT(*) AS conferences FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT (SELECT COALESCE ( (SELECT ce.time FROM conference_events ce WHERE ce.conference_id = c.conference_id AND ce.conference_event = 'conference created' ), (SELECT ce.time FROM conference_events ce WHERE ce.conference_id = c.conference_id AND ce.conference_event = 'bridge selected' ) ) ) AS start, (SELECT COALESCE ( (SELECT ce.time FROM conference_events ce WHERE ce.conference_id = c.conference_id AND (ce.conference_event = 'conference expired' OR ce.conference_event = 'conference stopped') ), (SELECT pe.time FROM participant_events pe WHERE pe.event_param = c.conference_id ORDER BY pe.time DESC LIMIT 1 ) ) ) AS end FROM conferences c JOIN conference_events ce ON c.conference_id = ce.conference_id WHERE (start >= '%s 00:00:00' AND end <= '%s 23:59:59') ) AS subquery"; $sql = sprintf($sql, $from_time, $until_time); $query = $this->db->prepare($sql); $query->execute(); return $query->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } } ?>