[ 'type' => self::TYPE_INFO, 'dismissible' => true ] ]; const ERROR = [ 'DEFAULT' => [ 'type' => self::TYPE_ERROR, 'dismissible' => false ] ]; const LOGIN = [ 'LOGIN_SUCCESS' => [ 'type' => self::TYPE_SUCCESS, 'dismissible' => true ], 'LOGIN_FAILED' => [ 'type' => self::TYPE_ERROR, 'dismissible' => false ], 'LOGOUT_SUCCESS' => [ 'type' => self::TYPE_SUCCESS, 'dismissible' => true ], 'IP_BLACKLISTED' => [ 'type' => self::TYPE_ERROR, 'dismissible' => false ], 'IP_NOT_WHITELISTED' => [ 'type' => self::TYPE_ERROR, 'dismissible' => false ], 'TOO_MANY_ATTEMPTS' => [ 'type' => self::TYPE_ERROR, 'dismissible' => false ] ]; const SECURITY = [ 'WHITELIST_ADD_SUCCESS' => [ 'type' => self::TYPE_SUCCESS, 'dismissible' => true ], 'WHITELIST_ADD_ERROR' => [ 'type' => self::TYPE_ERROR, 'dismissible' => true ], 'WHITELIST_REMOVE_SUCCESS' => [ 'type' => self::TYPE_SUCCESS, 'dismissible' => true ], 'WHITELIST_REMOVE_ERROR' => [ 'type' => self::TYPE_ERROR, 'dismissible' => true ], 'BLACKLIST_ADD_SUCCESS' => [ 'type' => self::TYPE_SUCCESS, 'dismissible' => true ], 'BLACKLIST_ADD_ERROR' => [ 'type' => self::TYPE_ERROR, 'dismissible' => true ], 'BLACKLIST_REMOVE_SUCCESS' => [ 'type' => self::TYPE_SUCCESS, 'dismissible' => true ], 'BLACKLIST_REMOVE_ERROR' => [ 'type' => self::TYPE_ERROR, 'dismissible' => true ], 'RATE_LIMIT_INFO' => [ 'type' => self::TYPE_INFO, 'dismissible' => false ], 'PERMISSION_DENIED' => [ 'type' => self::TYPE_ERROR, 'dismissible' => false ], 'IP_REQUIRED' => [ 'type' => self::TYPE_ERROR, 'dismissible' => false ] ]; private static $strings = null; /** * Get message strings */ private static function getStrings() { if (self::$strings === null) { self::$strings = require __DIR__ . '/../includes/messages-strings.php'; } return self::$strings; } /** * Get message configuration by key */ public static function get($category, $key) { $config = constant("self::$category")[$key] ?? null; if (!$config) return null; $strings = self::getStrings(); $message = $strings[$category][$key] ?? ''; return array_merge($config, ['message' => $message]); } /** * Render message HTML */ // Usage: echo Messages::render('LOGIN', 'LOGIN_SUCCESS', 'custom message [or null]', true [for dismissible; or null], true [for small; or omit]); public static function render($category, $key, $customMessage = null, $dismissible = null, $small = false, $sanitize = true) { $config = self::get($category, $key); if (!$config) return ''; $message = $customMessage ?? $config['message']; $isDismissible = $dismissible ?? $config['dismissible'] ?? false; $dismissClass = $isDismissible ? ' alert-dismissible fade show' : ''; $dismissButton = $isDismissible ? '' : ''; $smallClass = $small ? ' alert-sm' : ''; return sprintf( '', $config['type'], $dismissClass, $smallClass, $sanitize ? htmlspecialchars($message) : $message, $dismissButton ); } /** * Get message data for JavaScript */ public static function getMessageData($category, $key, $customMessage = null, $dismissible = null, $small = false) { $config = self::get($category, $key); if (!$config) return null; return [ 'type' => $config['type'], 'message' => $customMessage ?? $config['message'], 'dismissible' => $dismissible ?? $config['dismissible'] ?? false, 'small' => $small ]; } /** * Store message in session for display after redirect */ // Usage: Messages::flash('LOGIN', 'LOGIN_SUCCESS', 'custom message [or null]', true [for dismissible; or null], true [for small; or omit]); public static function flash($category, $key, $customMessage = null, $dismissible = null, $small = false) { if (!isset($_SESSION['flash_messages'])) { $_SESSION['flash_messages'] = []; } // Get the message configuration $config = self::get($category, $key); $isDismissible = $dismissible ?? $config['dismissible'] ?? false; $_SESSION['flash_messages'][] = [ 'category' => $category, 'key' => $key, 'custom_message' => $customMessage, 'dismissible' => $isDismissible, 'small' => $small ]; } /** * Get and clear all flash messages */ public static function getFlash() { $messages = $_SESSION['flash_messages'] ?? []; unset($_SESSION['flash_messages']); return $messages; } }